Trentino Sport Days 14/15/16 Ottobre 2016


il 14-15-16 Ottobre al quartiere Fieristico di Riva del Garda logo_trentinosportdays_web-4

Saremo presenti con uno stand dove sarà possibile vedere da vicino le nostre ultime creazioni.

Presenti allo stand i progettisti a cui sarà possibile fare domande sulla tecnologia brevettata.

Saranno infine svolte alcune sessioni riservate in cui verranno mostrati i prossimi sviluppi della tecnologia brevettata.

Presente tra i molti testimonial di eccezione il nostro atleta Alare








For those of you that might be interested in using our technology, there are different possible types of licence and collaboration……..more

A-Class Wing Sail 2016

Heru Sail Wing Sail for A-Class with Decksweeper










Arno Terra

Wing Sail:
50% duble surface
Luff 9mt
Head 55cm
Zero twist technology
5 double battens
decksweeper foot

Garda Lake
Circolo Vela Torbole
Surf Segnana Center


for latest news check our facebook page

For those of you that might be interested in using our technology, there are different possible types of licence and collaboration……..more

Wing Sail for Raceboard, Marseille and Nicolas Huguet

Fantastic video from Nicolas Huguet


Proto Wing Sail 9.8sqm
1 camber, 6 double battens,
fiberglass and carbon battens

Heru Sails 520 100% Carbon
Made in Italy by Italica

Starboard Phantom 377



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for latest news check our facebook page

For those of you that might be interested in using our technology, there are different possible types of licence and collaboration……..more

what are we brewing?

Three battens are coming!!!

This year we will be focused on:

– new lightness, thanks to the new construction
– new airfoil profile, better performance in all conditions
– new Aspect Ratio thanks to the new outline

preserving all the actual benefits of our wing sail like the unbelievable lightness while sailing or the upwind performance.

Join us, join the future.








For those of you that might be interested in using our technology, there are different possible types of licence and collaboration……..more


for latest news chek our facebook page

Windsurf Update

On 1st February 2016 the three-year joint venture between Challenger Sails and Heru Sails has ended.

The joint venture was aimed at putting on the market soft wing sails based on the technology developed and patented by Heru Sails.

Heru Sails will continue to project, realize and sell soft wing sails under its own brand name and through licensee brands.


A partire dal 1 febbraio 2016 termina la Joint Venture triennale tra la Challenger Sails e la Heru Sails per la messa in commercio di vele alari da windsurf basate sulla tecnologia brevettata e sviluppata dalla Heru Sails.

Heru Sails continuerà a progettare, realizzare e commercializzare vele alari sotto il proprio marchio e tramite Brand Licenziatari.


For those of you that might be interested in using our technology, there are different possible types of licence and collaboration……..more

Happy New Year !


A New Year full of passion and innovation has Just begun !!!

If you want something really new you have to start thinking differently!!

The soft wing sail is real, It is here and it is the best technology ever!!

Heru Sails is always focused on improving its technology.

This year we will be focused on:

  • new lightness, thanks to the new construction
  • new airfoil profile, better performance in all conditions
  • new Aspect Ratio thanks to the new outline

preserving all the actual benefits of our wing sail like the unbelievable lightness
while sailing or the upwind performance.

Join us, join the future.


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for latest news check our facebook page

For those of you that might be interested in using our technology, there are different possible types of licence and collaboration……..more

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